Easton 300

Easton is turning 300!

The purpose of the Tricentennial Committee is to lead the town in a yearlong celebration of Easton’s Tricentennial (1725-2025) that commemorates Easton’s long history, engages all Easton residents, and celebrates Easton’s enduring, three-hundred-year tradition of community spirit.

The Committee’s mission shall be:

  • To celebrate the strong Easton town spirit – that thrives in our community.
  • To offer diverse programming that is welcoming and inclusive of all Easton
  • To strengthen bonds of family and community with events that bring people
  • To involve local youth, in cooperation with schools, in varied and fun educational
  • To recognize the positive and lasting impact of contributions made by Easton community
  • To connect the present and past by coordinating, sharing and supporting historical
  • To provide a stage for and spotlight on Easton art, music and culture, both current and past.
  • To collaborate with, support and encourage all Easton nonprofits, commissions, committees and town departments in taking advantage of the unique opportunity the Tricentennial offers to educate the public and to share their own history, goals and mission.

The committee shall be comprised of up to ten members, serving one-year terms, and subject to annual reappointment by the Select Board. One seat shall be filled by a Select Board member.

1.) Conduct outreach to the community to ask for suggested events that residents would be interested in attending.

2.) Partner with local businesses, community organizations, non-profits, and Town departments to develop events that appeal to all ages and encourage the greatest participation of all Easton residents and friends.

3.) Plan and coordinate a series of events for the recreational, educational, and cultural benefit of the community that will serve to commemorate Easton’s heritage and will lead to greater knowledge and appreciation of our history and our future.

4.) Develop a strategy to fundraise for Tricentennial events.

5.) Create a master calendar of events and develop marketing materials to disseminate information about the events hosted by the Tricentennial Committee, its partners, and friends of Easton.

6.) Encourage and support other community organizations to host events that highlight their group’s mission and their connections to the history of Easton.

 Member Position Term Ends
David I Clifton Chair 2024
 Jeanette Camara Treasurer 2024
 Michael Good
Marketing Communications
 Dale Kerester Community Relations
 Diane Lusardi Secretary 2024
Rosalyn Miller
Assistant Secretary
Kenneth Michael
Business Relations
 Courtney Pupkin
Fundraising/Sponsorship 2024
Joan Lundgren Member 2024
Marc Lamb
Select Board Rep, Logistics