Easton 300


Easton 300 Tricentennial Logo Contest

Official Application Form

*** DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: November 30, 2023 ***


Applicant Contact Information:

A. Name: _______________________________________________________________________

B. Address (street, city, zip): ____________________________________________________


C. Phone Number: ______________________________________________________________

D. Email: ________________________________________________________________________

E. Date of Birth: _________________________________________________________________

If you are chosen as the winner, your logo will be used as the official Easton 300 Tricentennial logo on all forms of press, website, posters, advertisement, documentation, etc. and becomes full property of the Town of Easton. (Winner may, however, include the logo design in professional portfolios.)

By signing below you agree:

  1. That the logo you submitted is your original work, has not been submitted to any other competition, and does not infringe on any third party’s existing copyrights
  2. To wholly assign and transfer your copyright ownership over the logo to the Town of Easton and the logo becomes the property of the Town of Easton
  3. To give the right to use your submission, voice, likeness, image, statements about the contest, etc., for publicity, news, advertising, promotional purposes, trade, and so forth, without any further notice, review, consent, compensation or remuneration
  4. The Tricentennial Committee may make any necessary alterations to the winning logo for proper formatting-related purposes without the consent of the creator
  5. Any and all rules and regulations not fulfilled by the applicant will result in exclusion from the competition
  6. That the sole prize for this contest is $300 cash
  1. The logo design may be copied or reproduced for any purpose by the Tricentennial Committee and that if my entry is selected as the winner, I relinquish all claims, rights (including moral rights and intellectual rights), and benefits related to the display, modification, reproduction, publication, distribution, use, and other exploitations of the work, other than the prize awarded to the winning entry
  2. That no copyright infringements have been made by my design and acknowledge that I am liable for falsifying information
  3. That by entering the contest, the entrant has affirmatively reviewed, accepted, and agreed to all rules and regulations
  4. The Tricentennial Committee reserves the right to disqualify entries with incomplete requirements and non-conformity to the format

Grand Prize Winner:

The winning logo design will be reviewed and chosen collectively by the Tricentennial Committee. One grand prize winner will be chosen and will receive a one-time cash prize in the full amount of $300 

I, (print)_________________________________________________, have fulfilled all Easton 300 Tricentennial Logo Contest rules and regulations and hereby agree to the terms of agreement outlined in this document.

Signature: __________________________________________          Date: ______________

(Please Note: This document must be signed by hand.)

______By checking here, You, the Entrant, have affirmatively reviewed, accepted, and agreed to all of the Official Rules